Allelu Lesson Format

Capturing young children’s attention can sometimes be challenging. Allelu! makes it easy right from the start. Designed around techniques for honoring the child, Allelu! helps catechists set a positive, productive tone as kids arrive. Allelu! helps establish a child-friendly structure and learning environment that promotes the freedom, creativity, and independence kids need to learn best.

Allelu!’s Gathering stage uses a ritual or activity to get kids interested in the day’s themes. Simple activities such as blessing children with the sign of the cross or leading them in prayer help them transition between the Welcoming and Discovering stages. Children learn about their faith by experiencing it—taking home more prayers and practices of Catholic life.

Young children think and learn differently than older kids. Allelu! integrates time-tested learning models with lots of interactive, hands-on activities that engage all five senses. The Discovering stage is a storytelling and learning time where the key points of the lesson are presented. Lessons are reinforced with compelling visual aids—including storytelling Scripture character magnets—that help bring every lesson to life!

Designed by experienced Catholic educators, Allelu!’s exciting Exploring activities involve drawing, arts and crafts, music, and more! Children are invited to participate in dramatic play using construction paper or other easily found items. The goal of the Exploring stage is to reinforce messages catechists introduce to children in the classroom. Exploring activities—just like the other lesson components—include helpful hints and tips for teachers and catechists to ensure all experiences go smoothly.

The Sending stage of Allelu! closes the day’s lesson, strengthening key messages with prayers and rituals tied to Catholic traditions. Kids join together to sing the “Sending Song,” one of the catchy tunes developed exclusively for Allelu! Songs, along with prayer, wrap up the session in a memorable way. And, bringing home Allelu!’s Child/Family Activity Sheets, kids extend the day’s lesson in a way they can share with their parents and families.